SJR Math Dept. , 1990

As the school grew, so did the math department. This is a picture of the department in 1990. When I look back on it I am in awe at the quality of the teachers we were able to attract. In the back row from left to right are Patricia Colp, Judi Park, Mark Bredin, Sherri Burroughs. Seated are Don Johnson and myself. I became Department Head in 1988 when Don stepped down to take a year of absence. Mark became department head after I stepped down from that job in 2001, and a few years after that Sherri joined him as co-head. Judi started out as a full time math teacher, but later taught math part time, taking on the additional task of guiding students through the process of applying for university entrance. I always taught the university courses that the Grade 12s took. Some of these were classes that I had taught myself since Grade 8, but more often they were classes that one of my colleagues had taught. I remember the first time Sherri followed a top class from Grade 8 to Grade 11. "I think they are ready for university courses," she said when she turned them over to me. Ready indeed! When they wrote their university linear algebra exam everybody in the class had A+. In calculus there were one or two As with all the others getting A+. A couple years later I took on the first class that Patricia Colp had followed through. That time everybody had A+ in calculus, with an A or two in Linear Algebra! We were a great department! We worked so well together. We all had the same goals and objectives. It was a glorious time!