Snow Lake

In September of 1967, after a crash summer school course at the Department of Education, I started my career as a teacher in Snow Lake, Manitoba. It was a northern mining town. The Thompson Highway did not exist back then. The only way to get there was to go west to #10 Highway -- which is almost going to the Saskatchewan border. Somewhere between The Pas and Flin Flon we had to turn east again, and from there it was all gravel roads. This wasn't really my first teaching experience. I already had taught for two months in Dominion City in 1965, but I was very quiet about that for many years. Important people had bent the rules to make it possible, and I did not want any questions asked. There are two pictures on the left -- click on the arrows to change from one to the other. One is a view of main street with the school at the end of the street. The white building is the elementary wing and the cinder block building is the high school. The other is a picture of the high school wing. Snow Lake had a population of 1200 at the time. My friend Murray Colp had also accepted a job in Snow Lake and his father drove us there. We arrived late in the day, and my first impression of the town was a spectacular display of northern lights.